Palm Beach County Newborn Baby Girl


A lot of time is spent preparing the studio for baby to arrive. We warm the studio, have continuous white noise playing to soothe the baby, and the fun part, choose the perfect soft, natural materials to wrap and hold baby in. We provide mom with tips to prepare baby for their newborn photo day and finally, I take a few deep breaths just before baby arrives to clear my mind and get myself ready for the beautiful baby about to visit. But lets face it; baby is the boss on photo day.


On this day, Miss Penelope arrived ready for a nice long nap and was ready, willing and able to pose in all the classic newborn positions. She rocked her newborn photos!!! She was the perfect newborn baby package; gorgeous skin, hair and LASHES – topped off with a perfect sleepy vibe. We had a great time and got some beautiful shots to share with her mama.


I assure my parents that no matter how our little baby boss chooses to arrive for their newborn photos, asleep, awake, calm or fussy, we will have a great experience photographing baby. Remember, this is one of your first events with baby and is a time to be remembered and will result in a story to tell. The images you receive after we meet will be the icing on the cake and will remind you of that time when you walk past that gorgeous photo on the wall.


Let me help you create beautiful family memories. Give me a call to schedule your maternity or newborn session today!!


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