I got to spend time in the studio with one of my favorite families for sweet baby boy Grant’s newborn photoshoot. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my client’s families grow. It seems like just yesterday I was photographing Grant’s big brother MacGregor. MacGregor joined us for photos with his new baby brother and he was just awesome. 2 year olds can be a tad unpredictable (LOL) but MacGregor was so good I had to capture a few photos of him all on his own. We were able to capture a few adorable snuggles of the boys before dad took MacGregor home and we could continue on with Grant’s newborn photo session.
Fun at the studio
Grant was a cuddly, adorable dream baby boy for his newborn photoshoot. I got to use lots of beautiful textured wraps and bonnets on him and pose him in fun props. He was the perfect baby. He did not complain one bit, Grant was especially happy after a nice big lunch break. Check out his baby rolls! They are just amazing!
I love how a newborn baby can relax just about anywhere. Look at Grant’s chunky little baby arm just hangs out while he is sound asleep. He looks pretty comfy. The cuteness of the babies in my studio never gets old. Watching how each baby molds into each prop and pose is the magic of newborn photography. I also love the texture of the beautiful wraps in the bucket. Finding natural materials and textures to pose baby with adds so much to the photos.
I just love Grant’s newborn gallery and it was great sharing his baby photos at the viewing and ordering appointment. What are your favorite baby poses? This is an impossible question for me. I can never pick a favorite they are all adorable. Luckily, no newborn photoshoot is the same so there is always something new to swoon over.
Contact me
South Florida families, I’d love to meet you and capture memories for your family. See more newborn and baby galleries here https://laragreenwoodphotography.com/pp_gallery/newborn/ To plan your maternity, newborn or baby photos, you can contact me at lara@laragreenwoodphotography.com